vydenmyria : Writing

Time of Not Knowing

Time of Not Knowing

A Poem by vydenmyria

another attempt at getting back to writing, that comes off as simply being confused in life...


A Poem by vydenmyria

still trying to get back in the writing processes that I've denied for years
On a Path

On a Path

A Poem by vydenmyria

a lot of soul searching recently, and the desire to bring back the innocence carried in my youth
new dawn

new dawn

A Poem by vydenmyria

I don't know

I don't know

A Poem by vydenmyria

not much to say
my bliss

my bliss

A Poem by vydenmyria

dwelling even further now, i believe this was written during two different days months apart in early '04 before i graduated high school
an advertisement

an advertisement

A Poem by vydenmyria

words from teenage darker days.... written sometime between late 2004 and early 2005


A Poem by vydenmyria

named after the type of "spice" smoked before the writing of this


A Poem by vydenmyria

a piece written by the immaturity of depression
subtle feeling of comfort

subtle feeling of comfort

A Poem by vydenmyria

written this morning, whilst my mind was wandering away from the fact that i'm stuck out here on a oil rig platform in the middle of the gulf of mexic..