Vicki Phipps

Vicki Phipps


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About Me

Writers Cafe had been a Godsend to me, until recently. I'll bet there are a few who agree with me. There was a time when I'd write on this site day and night. I probably posted more than I knew I had the ability to write, but then when everything was lost, and not due to the writers fault, I made up my mind not to whine and started all over again, like everyone else who remained loyal cafe fans.

The site has changed and been rearranged, which is fine, except for the fact that I'm blind, or at least legally. By the time I found all the tools again, the rules had changed. I can no longer seem to copy and paste, which is vital for me who can't see clearly enough to write directly from this site. I've tried and tried to survive and be a good sport at the same time...but today...I can honestly say that I've tried the last time. I'm fed up and I'm giving up......BUT.....I'll keep my profile open just in case someone comes to my aide? Either that, or someone finds a more user friendly way to write on Writer'scafe?? Otherwise, thanks to you on this site and all those friends of mine who made my days and nights much brighter than they might have been if I hadn't stumbled upon this site....and to Writer's Cafe.....thanks anyway.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Just poppin' over to say "Hello" in case you visit your page. Thinking of you!!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey you! I have been so busy, I closed my account...not sure I will ever return. I do want to call you though...It has been awhile. Hugs, carole

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You are still there, just not on the front page Vicki. I didn't know if you were coming back so I changed it all?? My hubby and I are off to a park for some rest and relaxation. We will talk soon, k? I have been busy-busy-busy but it is all good. I figures-the one day you come back, I am going off. PLEASE get on tomorrow. I have missed the heck out of you!

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Posted 16 Years Ago


Hope you have a Blessed Easter, Vicki! Carole

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get time would appreciate.....Thank you :)
Little Bones
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

if u get a mo would appreciate
Where the Living Tread
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

In memory of my dear Daddy.
My Daddy Skin Sleeps
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a mo? Thank you :)
Shoot the Magpie
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

glitter graphics
Myspace Glitter Graphics

Love you Vicki! Carole

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a moment could u read plz :)
My Resting Place
A Poem by Bubo