:PARAMOREchick : Writing

Beggining life anew

Beggining life anew

A Book by :PARAMOREchick

when a young princess' kingdom is attacked by Romanov her family is killed but her grandmother and her are alive. Anastasia finds who she truly is and..
a whole new (thing)

a whole new (thing)

A Book by :PARAMOREchick

a girl named Maradith Warefore falls in love with one boy she could never find out's secrets whom she eagerly falls in love with becoming something in..
authors note

authors note

A Chapter by :PARAMOREchick

may be quiting story
graduating life

graduating life

A Chapter by :PARAMOREchick

in this chapter Maradith finds herself anew and seeing with new eyes as she begins her journey out on her own.


A Poem by :PARAMOREchick

beauity like the rising of the sun beauity like the heart f everyone (wether they like it or not) beauity like friendly giggles beauity a song ever..
Meet the characters

Meet the characters

A Chapter by :PARAMOREchick

Meet Hayley,Josh,Emma,Mia,Anne,Royce,Jason,Ellen,Sam,and Matt


A Chapter by :PARAMOREchick

what Hayley's mind is going through after her change and what she thinks about Josh her boyfriend