William W. Wraith

William W. Wraith


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About Me

I'm a native of Montana and a Buddhist scholar.

I've completed one novel, Wings Not Required: the Illustrious Flight of the Bodhisattvas, which is likely too long and turgid to be acceptable as a first book. After selling a few short stories, I embarked on a second novel, a contemporary spiritual adventure/satire entitled War on Error: a Chameleon's View. My very clean first draft is complete. A revision and a final polish, then bring on the public!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

The Playground is, at its core, a playwriting workshop, but I'm sure I could adapt it so that it is a performance-based dialogue workshop. Unfortunately playwriting seems to be a rare talent in the major literary world, which is precisely why I started the group. Our workshops were usually of the "write on this theme" variety, typically a three-page script usually running about five minutes. So on Monday we'd post a topic or phrase or picture and by Wednesday all manuscripts must be submitted, then we would assign and cast them and allow rehearsals til Saturday night performance. It was always a good time. I would modify the assignments slightly of course, to fit into the cafe world.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

about your review:

I'm not sure what happened when I copy and pasted it in, but the first few paragraphs, the "intro" i guess, I had intended to be set off from the rest. As for the shifting POV, it is a constant throughout the novel that the reader knows the feelings and thoughts of all of the main characters in the present scene. Do you think this is ok? Or do you think I should go strictly to the most predominate protagonist's POV?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

1: I've got my baby: Realm of Shadows so far up to Chapter 11 posted, its' fantasy.
2: I've got my other gem: When Hell Freezes which is a Supernatural Occult Horror.
That said, I would prefer actually the Realm of Shadows. Though as of now, I'm taking a slight break on Realm, trying to get some short stories out there.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the kind words, and yes it sparked a tear or three. And yes, I watched Babylon 5 also. I also look forward to read your tales as well.

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Posted 17 Years Ago


I am enjoying the discussion in the Wood. Enlightenment from both sides works to the advantage of each. Like I said, would it not dull if we all wrote the same way, the same thing, using the same words.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there WWW, thank you for your comments. I have rarely been so inspired by a critique! I have been looking into a master's in creative writing and I hope the whole degree is as encouraging and constructive.

Where's scenes 1 & 2 of War on Error? I like to start from the beginning...

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Just wanted to say how excited I am to have you in the group and to get the opportunity to learn from you, William. My knowledge of Bhuddism is limited to the Kerouac and other Beat writers I've read, but it's hard not to see some similarities within my own lifestyle.