Jasmine Thousand

Jasmine Thousand


@Suki: So do I.

At the barricade, CA
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About Me

You see, deep down I've always believed people were truly good at heart.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

Jazz we need to talk again D:

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I took one look at live journal, got overwhelmed by the clutter, had a stroke, and closed it forever

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Posted 9 Years Ago

More or less! At the moment I'm not taking any classes that involve creatively composing works (just essays.) But the works we're reading definitely give me inspiration and ideas, which help

Y'see that's part of the reason why I was dead for so long :") Currently my plans are to be a small animal veterinarian and published novelist! But we'll see ;w;

Before I graduated, they converted all their science experiments to 100% digital; they didn't send you a box of science supplies, anymore. They also started to phase out Latin as a language you could learn. They also changed the name of the program I participated in to get a boatload of college credits and made it a bit more inferior. Also the graduation ceremony happened in this rly cheap church instead of, y'know, an actual school

NO I STILL SUCK ;w; I'm writing a short story now that I want to submit somewhere, and when I finish it I guess I could send that for peer review, but where would you like me to slap it? ;3;

LOOK AT ALL THOSE AP CLASSES. Idk why but I found calc really easy when I took it :") You must be stretched so thin! How are YOU not dead? Oh and are you still getting involved in film productions?

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Yeah, I'm a Biology and English double major. I'm thinking of adding Chemistry, Peace Studies, and Writing minors tho

yeah :"( a bunch of stuff and programs have been cut from k12 which bothers me

wat ;3; neither have I, I think >_> the stuff I have posted on this site is so gross and old I'm prolly gonna take them down. I still write (if what I'm doing can be called that) but I haven't really been posting any of them to this site :")


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Posted 9 Years Ago


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Posted 9 Years Ago

I've been dying in college because freshman :") Eeee are you still in k12? The k12 program in my state is slowly just...dying ;w;

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Posted 9 Years Ago


I'm doing okay! How are you?

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Posted 9 Years Ago


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Posted 11 Years Ago

No kidding. And where have you been m'lady?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Alllooo Jazz. :) How be thee in the world of reality? Not much fun is it?