Venus Vega Is

Venus Vega Is


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About Me

I'm Vega
I like le sleep && Asian food
I can't stand clowns underneath my bed
unless they're ready to have some fun.
I like dreaming
B/c its more satisfying than living.
Foreign films && Japanese culture
get me off.
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Liars && fakes can die
Most of the world consists of idiots
that's why the Mayans played hockey
with decapitated heads.
Everyone seems to think that we all have a purpose
but I'm a nihilist which means
there is no meaning to life, srry =/
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add me, read me, <3 me
&& add me on myspace


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Posted 17 Years Ago

St Patricks Day

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reading mere words. Your thoughts were really interesting to me. I appreciated your perspective very much. Thank you!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I feel so unloved due to the lack of effort in your comment. (If you haven't figured by now from my poetry... I am very sarcastic) anyways... I might... forgive you. I am thrilled at you reading my stuff and replying... kudos to you. And for meeting writers and getting your stuff out there... well, alot of the writers on here are excpecting to hear only sugar coated lies about their works, just warning you... if you tell the truth about the stuff you read, you'll find the good writers aposed to the bad ones. The good ones will take in your advice but the bad ones will throw a temper tantrum. Geting knoticed is hard work. I've been trying to get published since I was 13. Now going on 21, I still haven't found a publisher who thinks I'm worth anything... so be strong if a publisher or anyone turns you down... it doesn't mean your a bad writer.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I love your Bio! I have not met too many people who actually follow with knolledge of Norse mythology, so I am greatly apeased that you are a Norse fan. And since you tracked me down and asked to be my friend... You will have to deal with the millions of things I post and send to you.... cause I have no life.