Kasaundra : Writing

Stay Alive

Stay Alive

A Poem by Kasaundra

Phone in my hand, music blasting, my voice screaming.Speeding, crashing, rolling, Flying falling, dying...deadSirens swam, tow on the ground.Critical ..
Psychotic Terrors

Psychotic Terrors

A Story by Kasaundra

When a young girl loses her father and has a rough patch in her life she begins to lose her mind.
Puppet Master

Puppet Master

A Poem by Kasaundra

This was written as a free write and took me about 5 minuets.
Time Machine

Time Machine

A Poem by Kasaundra

Trip back to the 1990's
World War Me

World War Me

A Poem by Kasaundra

This is a poem about an abusive relationship and how it can be compared to a war.
What if Walls Could Talk?

What if Walls Could Talk?

A Poem by Kasaundra

What is walls could talk? What secrets do you think they would tell if they spoke them to you?
A Heartbeat-beat-beat

A Heartbeat-beat-beat

A Poem by Kasaundra

It is about how intimidating a blank page is and how difficult it is to sometimes get your words down on paper.


A Poem by Kasaundra

One-step at a time- I am getting closer. Each day is a challenge but I am getting there Even with the memories that take over me. The events still ..
One Upon a Tentacle

One Upon a Tentacle

A Stage Play by Kasaundra

This was a production that I wrote for a 24-hour play festival. If you don't know what that is: It is a festival where the writers have 12 hours to wr..
Elderly Couple

Elderly Couple

A Stage Play by Kasaundra

This is a short playlet. I hope you enjoy it!

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