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About Me

My first book of vampire poetry is now availiable from and I'm now working on a new project. I will be sorry not to write anymore of my vamp verse, but I think I might have become a bit obsessive. So it's goodbye fangy overbite, though I haven't gone completely cold turkey yet. Thanks to everyone for the feedback and encouraging reviews.

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I am a writer and editor of Gothic romances and horror fiction. I have just started to branch out on my own and a writer on another site recommended WritersCafe to me as a friendly place to meet other writers. I write as Vamp on and publish articles on literary theory and writing. My favourite non vampire film is True Romance, my favourite song is anything by Sting and I was very dissappointed in the new Red Dwarf. I have a degree in English, but love trashy fiction and will read almost anything with a happy ending. I cry copiously if anyone dies in a film I'm watching or book I'm reading. I love flowers, my family and staying up all night watching films and reading.

I spend most of my time reading manuscripts so if you need a review just mail me. My specialist subject is vampire literature and I love to read new and imaginative work. I'm still a sucker for romance, but how much longer that will last, who knows. I write vampire poetry, short stories, articles on literary theory and novels, when I have time. I've had two manuscripts rejected by mainstream publishers over the last ten years. I work eighteen hour days, so if you see me online and I don't reply I'm really busy and not ignoring you. I hate writing my bio, and always feel needy when I do. I dream of one day creating the perfect vampire character, but would settle for publishing the book. I hope for world peace, but know it will never happen.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for the reviews...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

- "The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny�it is the light that guides your way."

- Heraclitus

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Yes that will be great gaynor i'm sure you could do magic with it and turn it in to a massive success, thanks again for all of your assistance in this matter (a friend in need is a friend indeed)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello Vamplit i look forward to you using my story and perhaps you could weave your magic on the DEVIL IN THE MIST STORY i think you have a unique gift at sifting through a good number of stories and finding the gem which then needs a little polishing before you turn it in to the jewel in the crown.
Nice to hear from you take care

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Posted 15 Years Ago

oh, yes, sorry
I'm just trying to start the book off good,
and its pretty hard.
it should be finished by today

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Posted 15 Years Ago

how are you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for accepting the add,
I hope you enjoy my writing
I'm hoping I have the chance to read your work as well!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Mothers Day MySpace Comments and Graphics

Comments - Graphics - Layouts - Photobucket

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Posted 15 Years Ago


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hiya Gaynor thanks for your recent message yes i agree our british government is acting like a drama queen at a mardi gras festival, they put us on a high state of allert for a potential terrorism act which never materialises then arrest several inncocent asians and now we have the rediculous story that the gurkas who have bravely fought for this country for generations shouldn't be allowed british citizenship.
Good luck with my title i know you will impress me with it.Rosanna