The night was cold
Oh no it was snowing
someone said loudly, “only 15 minutes left”
15 minutes? only 15 minutes?..
Do you think that society is changed?I think that society is changed but not their people."OH MY GOD she is too much fat,she is looking like an elepha..
Dear Time,
Why are you so rude ?
Why don’t you keep quite for a minute.
I just want to drink a coffee with u
But, you don’t want ..
Love is not a promise,
Because, promise can break
Love is not a burden,
Because, burden never feel free
Love is about caring
Life is very short . In this short period you have to do a lot of things . But if you know that you will die tomorrow what will you do?
Dear Rapist,
Now you are happy, right?
You are happy because,
just now you raped a innocent girl..
You are happy because,
Hey You, Thank You...
Thank You for everything you have done
Thank you, Thank you for letting me down
“Some Promises are true”
“Promise”, a
little word which has a lot of meaning. Some promises are true and some not.