Laura Ex : Writing

Last Love

Last Love

A Poem by Laura Ex

You call out to me In the night You call out my name As you dig into my heart For the last time Oh, it’s the last goodbye I’ll ever ..
ED Control

ED Control

A Poem by Laura Ex

You look at me and break, Shatter. I see the hurt in your eyes As you peek at my skeleton. I have control, and it makes me Content. Do no question..


A Poem by Laura Ex

The words rushed across an ocean Dilapidated by the tide, screaming in and out Much like the thoughts crowded, hurried in my mind. I heard your sou..
Cases of Glitter

Cases of Glitter

A Poem by Laura Ex

Crinkled cases of glitter On their sides, spilling over With imagination. Color. Can the curiosity of ages really Dream up such casual flights Li..
There's Something Wrong...

There\'s Something Wrong...

A Poem by Laura Ex

There’s something wrong with Being depressed There’s something wrong with Hating yourself intensely There’s something wrong wi..


A Poem by Laura Ex

The killer slashes So do I Release this silence Release my life You hope, you pray Your lives you save I’ll save yours We’ll burn ..


A Poem by Laura Ex

Crumbling, crumbling, crumbling down Align with your lies And hypnotize the world to watch Me break Under the pressure of an action Unto our hear..


A Poem by Laura Ex

Keep your place Day or night I'm here for you Wrong or right When you're done Throw me away I'm perfect to use Any day


A Poem by Laura Ex

Cold all the way through Broken, it’s of no use Almost alexithymia Not quite there Pushing away memories That make you scared Shiver, not ..
This is Reality

This is Reality

A Poem by Laura Ex

I hurt everyone So why shouldn’t I hurt myself? I hide everything So why shouldn’t I hide this? I want you to know But I can’t ..