unexpectedsparkle : Writing

Soccer/My Heart will Always Choose

Soccer/My Heart will Always Choose

A Poem by unexpectedsparkle

I can't focus, I'm tiredmy game, my lifewith 20 minutes leftI can't tune it all out.My life keeps slipping ingetting in front of my eyesthe things I w..
The Innocenct Fall

The Innocenct Fall

A Poem by unexpectedsparkle

Footsteps fall angrily upon the ground.Moonlight shines without a sound.Angry shouts, a scream, someone pleadingA night breeze blows, calm, so mislead..


A Poem by unexpectedsparkle

you're under a mask, buried deep inside no one can see the hurt you hide. you can act happy, sad, or anything you choose, while no one sees how..
Easter Monologue

Easter Monologue

A Stage Play by unexpectedsparkle

Teen girl who is questioning things that she's heard, but feels so alone with questions that are most important to her.