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" as bad as i am, i'm proud of the fact that i'm worse than i seem" ~ ani difranco

Albuquerque, NM
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About Me

I'm just a girl with a lifetime of experiences. I've taken from those experiences what can be put into words and poetically put them together to share with all of you. These are my contributions.

I have a gazzilion read requests and I am tremendously in debt on reviews but I will get to them all eventually. Please be patient, I only have a limited amount of time I can dedicate to this site so naturally, I am behind. I am eternally grateful for reviews I'm given and will return the favor, slowly but surely.

Quoted and noted:

"Out beyond the realms of right doings and wrong doings there is a field, I'll meet you there."

"What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness"
~ leo tolstoy

"Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute"
~ starcharon


all about me!!
Created by cutiepie656 and taken 13374 times on Bzoink
name: Keely
birthday: December 12th
zodiac sign: Sag
where were you born: Telluride, Colorado
where do you live now: Albuquerque
height: 5'7''
hair color: naturally dirty blonde currently brown
eye color: blue
tattoos: several
piercings: yep
color: pink
food: Italian
candy: caramello
movie: no idea, i have many favorites
tv show: ice loves coco
actor: christopher walken
actress: kate hudson
band or singer: blue october
song: gots lots
holiday: halloween for sure
month: december
season: spring
day of the week: sunday
store: hobby lobby
restaurant: olive garden
sport: vollyball
animal: cats, my cats specifically
flower: lilly
*Have you ever....*
danced in the rain: kind of
tripped and had an embarassing fall: never
smoked: never
got drunk: never
done drugs: never
gone skinny-dipping: yes
been in a car accident: not really
been in love: more than once
met the president: no and dont want to
met a celebrity: indeed
cried over a movie: for sure
shoplifted: guilty
laughed so hard you cried: many times
cried for no reason at all: i wouldn't call it no reason
*The last.....*
thing you said: come here kitty kitty
thing you ate: egg salad sandwich
song you heard: fidelity by regina spektor
movie you saw: couldn't tell ya
cd you bought: people buy cd's??
book you read: the rotten side of astrology
phone call: my mother
im: ummm....obviously wasnt important enough to remember
person you yelled at: my daughters a*****e father
*This or That*
pepsi or coke: coke
mcdonalds or burger king: wendy's
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
tv or movies: movies
colored pencils or markers: markers
sun or moon: sun
day or night: night
pants or shorts: pants
long sleeve or short sleeve: short
n'sync or backstreet boys: neither
burgers or hot dogs: burgers
rock or rap: i'm torn
aim or phone: phone
romantic comedy or thriller: thriller
waffles or pancakes: waffles
peanut butter or jelly: peanut butter
what color is your toothbrush: pink
do you believe in love at first sight: no
have you ever wished upon a star: sort of
what other language(s) do you speak: spanish
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: black
if you could change your name what would you change it to: i wouldn't
what are the last 4 digits of your phone #: 1281
whats the weather like right now: windy
what instruments do you play (if you play any): i pretend to know how to play the drums
do you talk to yourself a lot: constantly

Which Poet are you?
Your Result: Emily Dickinson
You are a pioneer. You have been called to a vocation. You are the art and the art is you. You do not stop for anything. Sacrifice is made it its name. You are truly an artist unbound.
Walt Whitman
Sylvia Plath
Robert Frost
William Carlos Williams



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Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Have a deliciously devilish day!~xoxo~;D

happy humpday photo: HAPPY HUMPDAY gQpy-1je-3-1.gif

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Posted 11 Years Ago

 photo s--my-album--GOOD-SAYS--rozne--you-only--morning-day--quote-n-share--week--Swee_large_zps8413edfc.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Wishing you a lovely weekend!~xoxo~:)

 photo 555ce488314d0d95bcbf3836f171b474_zps9daa6241.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thanks Keely, glad to be back, catching up on RR's....will visit you soon.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

 photo heart_zps46b0553d.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thank you for your sweet 4th of July greeting. :)

Wishing you a great week ahead...
I brought you some sea shells from my vacation.
I hope you like it.~xoxo~:)

She Sells Sea Shells

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thank you Keely :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

thanks for stopping by....
have a good day my friend...

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thank you so much for stopping by.. Peace love and hugs. ~jennifer Happy 4th