With arms outstretched and a smile on her lipsShe welcomes his head to her breasts.He nuzzles her neck and strokes down her spineAnd, to the sound o..
As daylight recedes and shadows grow,Time slows like an aging man.Whispered love still sounds in my earsTo torment as only sorrow can. As darkness s..
In a quiet place at the back of her mindLies a secret room where nobody goes.Under lock and key, she hides her fearsThe things she doesn't want them..
He was never going to understand her.Not while she feared to let him close.He saw only her beauty, so pale and fragileAnd in her heart, the image of..
The smart thing to do, in circumstances like these,Would be to swallow my pride and move on.But, being a woman, and a stubborn one, too,I choose to ..
In firelit glade, in darken'd forestStands the symbol of all our fears.With glinting eye and foul breath stinking.A cloak of black is all he wears. ..
Silent footsteps in the snow,Feeling nothing on the climb.Barefoot, and running nowDesperately making up for lost time. Breath - a white cloud hangi..
Dark clouds gather, moving hastily across a liquid sky.No room for sentiment as they converge in anger,Billowing thickly, black as night.Echoing the..
My love has a secret, a place that he runsA land where the child within plays.A town built on memoriesAnd the laughter of kinAnd the promise of much..
"God? Is that you?"Eyes darting from side to sideEars turning to the slightest sound"God? Can you hear me?"Swallowing hardMouth dry with anxious fea..