James K. Blaylock : Writing

Forever Night

Forever Night

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Forever Night withthesaddest sensations weighing heavily upon them, they knew, the news, might only bring more stinging tears... and still ..
There By The Sea

There By The Sea

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

There By The Sea running through the salty water, they pleasured in the others company... there by the sea, caught-up, in a form of foaming e..
Longing for Winter's Kiss

Longing for Winter\'s Kiss

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Longing for Winter's Kiss bring down those soft white flakes, atop my icy head and chilled shoulders... for it truly is the wint..
Intricately Placed

Intricately Placed

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Intricately Placed she heard the chant, as it flowed across the water... leaving her mind open to anewed blossoming, and the ..
The Twilight Moves

The Twilight Moves

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

The Twilight Moves flowing through 'til morn' the twilight chasing the blue nights off; even if they're trying at glue within... ..
Numbing The Pain

Numbing The Pain

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Numbing The Pain sell your sex young girl; becoming numb to everything... and shameless to all, who pay 11-18-07
Becoming a Man

Becoming a Man

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Becoming a Man make me into a real man; even if I'm only, six... for it's a father's wish to break a young will, completel..
The Red Room (Sheer Terror)

The Red Room (Sheer Terror)

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

About a friend, sadly.
 Tasting The Moments

Tasting The Moments

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Tasting The Moments taste this moment; licking the lips, and sinking deep into total blissfulness... because now is trul..
All These Bones

All These Bones

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

All These Bones history knows the murder of so many... and still we're here in the kill zones; with all these bones 11-19-07