James K. Blaylock : Writing

Kingdoms Will Fall

Kingdoms Will Fall

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Kingdoms WillFall where does your kingdom lie are you chasing faithfully after theworldly, pleasures and money are our newgods... becau..
Who's Got Your Back?

Who\'s Got Your Back?

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Who's Got Your Back? fear and dread are all over me tonight, but my faith is stronger and betteragainst the attacks, tears used to consume ..
Echoing Light

Echoing Light

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Echoing Light echoes in the night claim the birthed light, then inwardly it races surely now the heart is it's stopping place... an..
For Crying Out

For Crying Out

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

For Crying Out wrap your heart around the cross, for it's promise will never leave you lost, cry your tears and let them fall, becuz to J..
I Wave Goodbye

I Wave Goodbye

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

I Wave Goodbye why must you walk away fromme leaving me so sad and lonely i say stay.... i call your name.... i wave goodbye... now i ..
Merciful Offerings

Merciful Offerings

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Merciful Offerings birthed into a world of so much pain, bathed with sin and steeped in flooding rains.... but life's got better ..


A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Cleansing raise Jesus name in all, come to Him and never fall. His glory knows no bounds and He's the King of the found His blood i..
Prey or Pray

Prey or Pray

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Prey or Pray lay not like prey, instead focus on moving around, because those beastlies never stop, no way... then down they will tak..
So Easily

So Easily

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

So Easily look at you, girl I know you're beautiful, butI see the pretty inside, and I've seen your heart so divine... you're so lo..
Join the Feast

Join the Feast

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Join the Feast looking out at midnight, and the stars all seem to be sotimed, but brightness shines and heaven dines with it's gathered divi..