James K. Blaylock : Writing

Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Six Feet Under wrestling with self-doubt and many other miseries, you're not the first to plant alow flying flag in this dirt... but at lea..
Higher Authority

Higher Authority

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Higher Authority clothed within finery forsharingour puritry, as none of this would've been obtanded... without a higher authority raining..
Soft Soothing Rescue

Soft Soothing Rescue

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Soft Soothing Rescue dipping me into your soft soothing, rescuing me with yourgrippingkisses... 10-22-09
Begging for Rain

Begging for Rain

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Begging for Rain outside it's pouring and my galoshes are begging for me to put them into such watery usage 10-22-09
Mute to the World

Mute to the World

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Mute to the World mute to theworld for alack ofchoice words, singingout mercies buthardly anyone heard... 10-22-09
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Fast as Lightning

Fast as Lightning

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Fast as Lightning if we never blink we'd surely not miss a thing, but this life is fleeting fast as lightning 10-22-09
A Chuckle Escapes

A Chuckle Escapes

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

A Chuckle Escapes let my fingertips enrapture your ribs, so much so a chuckle escapes... 10-22-09
No Judgements

No Judgements

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

No Judgements hand outno pain and you'll not receive any just coming wrath... 10-22-09
The Disappearing Box

The Disappearing Box

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

The Disappearing Box disappearing thoroughly, as the box hassave locks and really no leakinglighting... spun in the hidden betwixt many tri..
Land of Calamity

Land of Calamity

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Land of Calamity screaming for liberty in a land full of calamity... there goes humanity 10-22-09