James K. Blaylock : Writing

The New Meets the Old

The New Meets the Old

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

TheNew Meets the Old far off from the new world, and the only means of contactare sent mail... how longshall it truly be that a future pers..
No Appeal

No Appeal

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

No Appeal all that was once held so dear has disappeared, and it's replacedby yielding forwe no longerappeal to fear... 11-1-09
Renewed Supreme

Renewed Supreme

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Renewed Supreme flat on desire and deadly dreams, what can come unless renewed supreme... 11-1-09
The Mangler

The Mangler

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Another Ode to Poe, LOL!
The Glory of Gravity

The Glory of Gravity

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

The Glory of Gravity open the door and freeing the caged birds, let them shift into thisunknown... and then rapidly racing throughout the ..
Surest Behest

Surest Behest

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Surest Behest let my tongue not lay in rest, when the things that need spoken are at my surest behest 11-1-09
Breathing Deep the Smog

Breathing Deep the Smog

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Breathing Deep the Smog the noisy streets roared with chaos, people everywhere chattering away on cell phones withintheir car andbreathing ..


A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Comatose running my fingers along myachinglyworried face, can I slip into a coma and awaken when all is well... 10-31-09
The Glossy Lies

The Glossy Lies

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

The Glossy Lies flipping through the pages of all these glossy lies, and thinking no one could ever live up to this falseness... not even i..
Surest Entrancement

Surest Entrancement

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Surest Entrancement don't let time evererase the thoughts ofour first embrace, even if we've yet to know the fullness of our surestentrancemen..