James K. Blaylock : Writing

New Skies (Tired Tombs)

New Skies (Tired Tombs)

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

New Skies (Tired Tombs) riding this cold elevator as it goes up and down, and today is as blissful a butterfly trying new skies but yesterd..
Mending the Presence

Mending the Presence

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Mending the Presence mine is a mountain of overly hurt feelings, and atop it sits many, many, many burdens... what kind of mending can eff..
My Paper Heart

My Paper Heart

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

My Paper Heart holding my heart inthis windy tunnel, and just like paper it wants to fly away... because there's no fun in being painfully..
... And Action

... And Action

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

... And Action roll the film as we're ready for action, using your talent and aquired skills... now cut thetape as that's a rap, let's go ..
That Magic Moment

That Magic Moment

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

That Magic Moment blazing across the blue skies but no one appears to care any longer, because this is now an all the time occurrence and the ..
Placed in Obscurity

Placed in Obscurity

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Placed in Obscurity where do my miseries go when they're surely taken away, orare theyeven stored in waiting... no longer brewing, but placed ..
The Reminder (Somehow Fading)

The Reminder (Somehow Fading)

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

The Reminder (Somehow Fading) visiting the mound ofallthis,once was, and that which is found is still love, but somehow fading... 11-11-09
Origin of the Species

Origin of the Species

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Origin of the Species with our fully functional organs you'd thing we'd embrace our origins... but the heart's a blind organizer 11-11-..
Day of Fire (Purify)

Day of Fire (Purify)

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Day of Fire (Purify) the day of fire is soon coming, and we must be purified by cleansing... forgettingour mourning and embracing the chos..
Soon to go Down

Soon to go Down

A Poem by James K. Blaylock

Soon to go Down blown out of control and the wheel spins loosely, everyone grab something tightly as we're all soon to go down... 11-10-09 ..