Was it allFated or Simply Faded?
mine eyes haven't seen
the 'morrow nor longafter,
and no crystal ball helps either, forit's now known
I've lo..
Drinking the Blue Sea
whilst outonyour kindest vessel
I long to simply drink the bluesea,
and sure it'dbe more than somewhat salty
butasthe wa..
Tight Fisted
wrap your fist tightly
around my clear sights,
let no more air nor light in here
because I long to see anywhere...
Undying Love (So Uncouth)
biting intothe ripened apple
she proclaimed undying love,
but her body craved for manyothers
andnow she followed sui..
Outlived Past
now, what shalt be done
with all thisshattered glass,
as we've bled enoughwhilst picking up
all the splinters ofour outlived pas..
Our Foolish Flesh
whispering within the overgrown
greens of forrest and woods life,
butthese words were heard by the silent ears
that pretend ..
Edge of the World
shall wewalk togetherfor an eternity
out past the running waters and beyond,
stopping only once we've reached the edge
and t..
Birth of Echoes
floating past the once contained
birth of echoes and chosen lights,
we'll swallow the black holes,but throw up
any voids or o..
No Claimed Kinship
kiss the kettle -so hot
and claiming no kinship,
but as for me, I know my placement
here amongst the dandelion and thorns....
Humming Devastation
looking upwards as the sky
swirls of surest fallings to come,
all whilst I pretend to not be rotting
here so rooted it thi..