Gone Hungry Too Long
with little more
to truly feast upon,
we cave in
and eat reluctantly
anything that might
fill a hungry belly...
Cheesy Souvenirs
on the way home
from a glorious vacation,
we'd stop for gas
and many cheesy souvenirs...
Famous for Nothing
being elevated somewhat
higher than many others,
but using your platform
for nothing more than self...
Tongues of Angels (Mongrels)
forever was on
the tongues of angels,
and all was well...
until one wanted
more, calling us mongrels
Heartless Being
playing with thin human emotions
and finding it ever so easy to do,
without even a sad thought as to
what kind of heartless be..
Dark Corridors (Mainstay)
the corridors are so full
of the growing darkness,
no one dares everwalk there
nor shine a light down them...
All's Not As It Seems
speak to me of the foremost
asI am an inclined seeker,
though sadlyserved bytired ghosts
of some beyondage old meaglers...
After The World
going on and knowing
that you're forever gone,
will you melt from memory
like that of a snowy season...
Rise Above (Scar Me)
scar me all up, think of this
flesh as yourhealthycanvas
tattoo me with your fleeting worldlylove
but don't be suprised w..
The Nocturnal
at night the ocean walks the shores
and it's creatures bask in moonlit glow,
so much life's hidden under the stars
and only the ..