Loving Wishes
once our love was all that mattered,
and we clung to one another, but time
seems to have stolen something from
us now. although,..
Beyond the Nonsense
as the concrete fell all
that could be uttered was-
nothing stood herein the way as
ghost passed through one ..
Tears for a Million Years
with her wings spread so very wide
she reached further than thesun,
because all she had known of love
was, in a sens..
Rained Supreme
born herein the breeze,
upon a sweet hollow day,
the magic spelt its twirling on the wings
of fairies, as kisses rained supre..
Tiny Bubbles
she saw the time slowly leak away,
it felt like liquid-puddles-dreaming,
buther visions were non-harming, nor non-enchanting,
Bullet the Blue Sky
the tears fall like bullets
emptying warm chambers,
and the breathlessness falls victim
unto your carelessness - no athem
Moon to Ocean
drinking from all the electric silence
whilestfeeling vibes bust these hearts,
and gazing into thestillness of cause and action
Adorned by Life (Not Wanting to Miss a Moment)
emblazoned on
our tombstones
shall hopefully be
the words 'well lived'.
but thuthfully, no ..
Loving the Lie (Hating the Outcome)
why, are we all
such fools for love,
throwing every single good thing
into a pit filled with hungrylions?..
lift your low sights up fromthe torn and muddied puddles,
rest not wthin the depths of sorrow's cold embrace,
but instead, cast of..