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Nowhere, NY
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About Me jennifer
i am sad right now
but i can try to be better
~i miss you~


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi, nice to meet ya!! I'm curious as to why you added me as a friend? Just somethin I always ask... -_- hi! :D lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

keep up the good work jenny

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Posted 14 Years Ago

"Take a moment and think about who and what you are. What is there not to love?
The body? Love it as your communications vehicle on the physical plane and your love will maintain the visible form in the energy of love.

The personality? Love it and watch how it changes to mirror that love.

The Divine Consciousness of your essential Self? That's the full embodiment of universal love - the very Self expression of God. Can you not love God expressing as you?

You are a great, grand magnificent being, the sum-total of all the cosmic energies individualized as the being you are. Love the completeness of yourself, then turn your gaze to the one closest to you and see another super-being, and continue the rollout of your vision until you see everyone as the very Selfhood of God in individual expression."

John Randolph Price, in "Living a Life of Joy"