trokanmariel33 : Writing

The Sentinel: The Prequel

The Sentinel: The Prequel

A Story by trokanmariel33

Prequel story, to the 1977 Michael Winner movie
The BBC American Civil War

The BBC American Civil War

A Story by trokanmariel33

The BBC American Civil War By Thomas Heath In the end, the BBC American Civil ..
The American Government

The American Government

A Story by trokanmariel33

The American Government By Thomas Heath The hero, began to keep on laughing. Th..
Passwords Can't Outrun F****

Passwords Can't Outrun F****

A Story by trokanmariel33

Passwords Can’t Outrun F***s By Thomas Heath “Oooooooooo”..
The universal socialist master

The universal socialist master

A Story by trokanmariel33

"The British Government, is given to the gothic Los Angeles forest"The universal socialist master, named Key, felt a huge sigh of relief, a..
The vampire disco, at the indoor sports gym

The vampire disco, at the indoor sports gym

A Story by trokanmariel33

At a place, which isn't near to, but is still connected (the basis, of the connected reference, being the belief system of a distance amidst the fores..
That's Mr Squatter To You, Top Gun Maverick!

That's Mr Squatter To You, Top Gun Maverick!

A Story by trokanmariel33

That’s Mr Squatter to you, Top Gun Maverick! By Thomas Heath ..
The British Public's Super Mario Bros Movie

The British Public's Super Mario Bros Movie

A Story by trokanmariel33

It is something, which isn't theology. Theology: the system, of lies. the system, of hopes. the system, of hopeful lies (or, o..
The British Economy's Amityville Horror House

The British Economy's Amityville Horror House

A Story by trokanmariel33

The British Economy’s Amityville Horror House By Thomas Heath Right off ..

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