Jacob White Owl

Jacob White Owl


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About Me

Hello, my name is Jacob White Owl. I am Cherokee Indian born and raised in Oklahoma. My birth name is Onacoma which means White Owl but many elders and family call me Nawat because I am left handed. You may feel free to call me Jacob. I have not been on this site in some time and it has changed quite a bit. All the poetry I had posted is gone but my pictures remain. Strange!

I recently returned from a very long trip across Europe with my soul mate Sikyatavo (Yellow Rabbit), where we met many wonderful people and gathered many memories. In case you do not know, I met Yellow Rabbit when we were Freshmen in college at Northeastern State University and we fell in love at first site. We graduated two years ago and now that we are back in the United States we are looking to settle down somewhere. We have been together for almost six years now and we were married in Spain, not that that has any value here!

I hope to spend some time on this site reading poetry and thank you for reading my profile. Please feel free to look at my pictures, and let me know if you would like to chat.

Wa do (Thank you)


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Posted 18 Years Ago

haven't seen hide nor hair of you in a while...

hope you are well



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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thank you (wa do?) very much for the review on "hold on" that i really put a lot of work into and it was very tough. so thanks again. :)

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey! I sporadically pop in on friends i haven't heard from in a while hoping to find that they have been busy on some ingenius endeavor that has kept them from conversing with me and much to my chagrin (spelling?) I find that you have taken it all away and I must admit I am dumbfound which doesn't really take much but what's going on man? If it's any of my business. How's that for a run on sentence?!

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Posted 18 Years Ago


*hug of support*

I don't know why you took it all down...I just popped in because I felt unease about you and I wanted to tell you that I was thinking of you and sending strength to you.

I hope that you are doing as well as you can be right now.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

he had beautiful work up before, he's a fine writer, but he's taken it down now and we have to respect that. he reviews well because he knows what it's like to write.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Wanted to say thanks for the review way back when, I really appreciated it (didn't get to read it until now). Was going to return the favor when I saw you're one of those people that reviews and doesn't write! How sad a life that must be, with no ego-building and the like. Haha. But again, thanks.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Jacob White Owl.....
BTW...love your name:)
Thank you for reviewing my poem, "Tearful Memories", it was a very painful and emotional piece to write, but also very theraputic....I'm touched you liked it...


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Dear Jacob:

I had a bit of a request�

If you figure out the evoca �thing�,

would it be rude to ask you to post something in Creek?

I would like to hear it.

(I am from Ottawa, I am hoping that it sounds similar to the dialects there, it has been a long time since I have heard any native language spoken *apart from qu�b�cois *)


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Posted 18 Years Ago

i had a dream last night that i was given a beautiful native american name. i dont remember what it was, and i'm sure it wasn't a real word, hehe, but it was really lovely. it had something to do with the sun.

thought of you. :)

