john-alec mitchell : Writing

if you ask i’ll give you what i have

if you ask i’ll give you what i have

A Poem by john-alec mitchell

if you asked for the rainbow i’d give you my crayons and skittlesif you asked for a city i’d make you one of Legosif you ask for aFerrari ..
west beast collar O.o

west beast collar O.o

A Poem by john-alec mitchell

From the west;Like the best;I'll never be the rest.In the east;Like a beast;The world is my feast.Always rocking collars;With top dollar swagger;So my..
They say the weak take their own lives

They say the weak take their own lives

A Poem by john-alec mitchell

They say the weak take their own lives, Well i guess I’m less, because I’m too much of a coward to take mine I wish i could ..
qoute 1

qoute 1

A Poem by john-alec mitchell

original as far as ik
2012 a new beginning

2012 a new beginning

A Poem by john-alec mitchell

i wrote this at midnight 12:00 am janurary first
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A Poem by john-alec mitchell

roses red stained by bloodroses black marked by deathroses white drained by liferoses yellow hoped of peaceroses pink cried for loveroses blue drowned..
her favorite color is blue

her favorite color is blue

A Poem by john-alec mitchell

if i could i would hold you in my armsas i turn your painful memories into a canvas,and paint over a blue sea as tranquil as newborn lamb.then i would..