About MeHello. I'm Teresa. Excited to be here!
Well... Let's see... I'm thirty-something, divorced, and I have six children(yes, six)--five sons and a daughter--who are twenty-two, twenty, eighteen, seventeen, fifteen, and fourteen. Whew!!! And, in order to support them, I work in an automotive plant. That will be changing soon--due to the economy. They are downsizing, and becoming unstable--especially for someone like me--low seniority. So... I'm re-inventing myself, even as I write this. My new plans include starting a business for myself, going back to school, and... Writing, writing, writing! Writing is something I've done all my life. I love it dearly, and have a need to do so--so my head doesn't explode! I know many of you can relate... Because of my large family, and a second shift factory job, I haven't had nearly enough writing in my life as I've wanted , for a very long time. That's going to change! Ummm... Yeah, there are many changes in my life right now, and I'm extremely excited. ...And, a little frightened, too. But, life is a journey, isn't it? It's been a crazy life so far, and that gives me tons to write about, at least. I have many interests, including: guitar, music, nature, art, landscaping, gardening, cooking, photography, philosophy, spiritual growth and healing, yoga, and many forms of exercise--for the body--as well as the mind and spirit. I love to laugh, grow, and meet others...and I don't mind constructive criticism, so don't be a stranger! Peace... --Teresa |