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Gimcrack Gimcrack

A Book by trentdugas

Water Jars Water Jars

A Screenplay by trentdugas

About Me

I've been gone on a trip. The second book is extracting my DNA and scratching my teeth against the cement of my soul. As I struggle with the beasts to remove the story from their putrid brain, the only thing I can hope for is to come out of this a better person. No telling how many people might die and no telling how many torture sessions I will experience.

As I write, the AM radio drifts in and out of static reception. This has got to be the most irritating noise on the planet. That sound makes me want to kill. Of course, it is three in the morning, so maybe I am delusional. What am I saying, I am delusional.

Back to work. Ignore the screams.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Cosmic Connectors
Rummaging secretly with no traces
Maybe a few lost human shells left behind
Cosmic Connectors
Poking, inspecting, pushing, shoving
Bruises and some frowns. I should listen more often
Cosmic Connectors
I like to think I know, but the soul screams
Opposite of opposite of opposite, a ghost of what I thought
Cosmic Connectors
I know I know your soul and spirit
I shook hands with you in the shadows of 5000 moons
Watched your hair flow, eyes sparkle and skin glow
I closed my eyes and felt you smile between angel flutters
Cosmic Connectors
It's quite possibly we're the perfect soul
I asked whom I needed to ask and they said yes

7th soul
10th born
5000 moons � my heart falls apart when I think of you
The Cosmic Connectors are connecting, they extend from our spine
I reached around and tried to grab them, but they know me all too well

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Cosmic Connectors
Rummaging secretly with no traces
Maybe a few lost human shells left behind
Cosmic Connectors
Poking, inspecting, pushing, shoving
Bruises and some frowns. I should listen more often
Cosmic Connectors
I like to think I know, but the soul screams
Opposite of opposite of opposite, a ghost of what I thought
Cosmic Connectors
I know I know your soul and spirit
I shook hands with you in the shadows of 5000 moons
Watched your hair flow, eyes sparkle and skin glow
I closed my eyes and felt you smile between angel flutters
Cosmic Connectors
It's quite possibly we're the perfect soul
I asked whom I needed to ask and they said yes

7th soul
10th born
5000 moons � my heart falls apart when I think of you
The Cosmic Connectors are connecting, they extend from our spine
I reached around and tried to grab them, but they know me all too well