About Me
My name is Stephan. I am an English major at a polytechnic school. I'm getting exposed to a lot of technical writing venues and multi-media techniques, and I'm liking it.
I am writing this in the month of January of 2010, at which point the writing I have posted is outdated by a year or two. Currently, I'm still mainly writing World of Warcraft fan fiction because it's familiar and relaxing after getting literary history lessons day in and day out in class. Do I want to move on? Yes. Can I? With a bit of extra work. Am I scared to? A little. Is my laziness making this a lot more difficult? You have no idea.
This year I hope to steer away from sci-fi and go into straight-up fiction. I've found my favorite thing to write about are people and personalities; I can get lost in the details of a face, or even a voice. If I can even get a semblance of a book out in 2010, I'll be happy.