toritto : Writing

Lamentations For Crassus - Poem #81

Lamentations For Crassus - Poem #81

A Poem by toritto

Oh Crassus! Croesus of the Western Empire Plutocrat of the Republic Why seek ye glory in the East? Was the crucifixion ofSpartacists along the Ap..
The Messenger - 1967 - Poem #80

The Messenger - 1967 - Poem #80

A Poem by toritto

When your son was killed that Summer night you were filling up the car; you didn’t know ‘till you saw my face what I already knew. Whi..
Scream -Poem #79

Scream -Poem #79

A Poem by toritto

Remember the best minds of our generation who got to run the government while needing to prove they were all-American not socialist revolutionar..
Fields of Gold - Poem #78

Fields of Gold - Poem #78

A Poem by toritto

The world changed not one whit the day she left me all alone. The sun still rose the birds still sang the radio in the car still played. Boys ..
Memory -Poem #77

Memory -Poem #77

A Poem by toritto

We never fought much or so I remember and only once did I make you cry A lifetime together now less defined reduced to moments less remembered..
On Mars - Poem #76

On Mars - Poem #76

A Poem by toritto

One step for a man I watched when I was only 26 and knew I’d live to see the day Magellan set a foot on Mars. I would be a lucky one to see..
Snortin' Mammon - Poem #75

Snortin' Mammon - Poem #75

A Poem by toritto

Do you think we’d see the light if sunshine cost the wealthy something or would we live in blackest night outside the gate and out of sight? ..
Monday's Laundry - Poem #74

Monday's Laundry - Poem #74

A Poem by toritto

How white is Monday’s laundry against the bright blue sky of Summer hung from a clothesline stretching from a third floor window to the tel..
Bones - Poem #73

Bones - Poem #73

A Poem by toritto

Curious things bones; signifying substance and frailty resolve and vulnerability life and death If there is anything reverent about life it lies ..
Last Summer's Affair - Poem #72

Last Summer's Affair - Poem #72

A Poem by toritto

Laying my head on your stomach while the sun streamed through the blinds forming stripes caressing your contours just for a moment I thought of bit..