toritto : Writing

Sons - Chapter 3 Of 4

Sons - Chapter 3 Of 4

A Story by toritto

Soon after finalizing arrangements to bury Daniel he drove to her parent’s home on Staten Island where she could be with her mother and sister..
Sons _ Chapter 2 Of 4

Sons _ Chapter 2 Of 4

A Story by toritto

And so they tell their family and friends; there is joy for them and good wishes. Those with screaming brats welcome the soon to be members of their..
Sons - Chapter 1 of 4

Sons - Chapter 1 of 4

A Story by toritto

He heard her while he was in the bathroom shaving, getting ready for another day at the office. She was busy dressing, putting on her make-up in the..
I Heard Marlene Dietrich Sing

I Heard Marlene Dietrich Sing

A Poem by toritto

Saw some 1920’s photos when we had ended all the wars thinking we would all be rich livin’ fat and driving fancy cars But it didn..
Gifts From Crows

Gifts From Crows

A Poem by toritto

Dim December’s light breaking dawn of Winter’s night reveals a naked frozen bough hosting the chorus of crows rousing us to a mornin..
Passing Time - Poem #101

Passing Time - Poem #101

A Poem by toritto

Is this my time or not? Time flows into a man makes its home there then flows away ; the man remains but his time has passed. There was a ti..
1929 -Poem #100

1929 -Poem #100

A Poem by toritto

For my father who never flew; but his children did.I saw “Wings” with my fatherwhen I was young; Best Picture of ‘29like him, splend..
Marathon - Poem #99

Marathon - Poem #99

A Poem by toritto

“Peace” “No more hurting people” A little prince wise beyond his years eyes filled with promise of great deeds to come. ..
In The Garden Of Noble Women - Poem #98

In The Garden Of Noble Women - Poem #98

A Poem by toritto

She sits beneath a massive oak in the Garden of Noble Women Garden of the Promise for those who have borne the burden yet never heard the wo..
Armistice Day - One Hundred Years

Armistice Day - One Hundred Years

A Story by toritto

Gavrilo Princip VeteransDaywill soon be upon us; November 11 is this Sunday. It marks the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War. When I wa..