Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Tony Russo

Tony Russo


Trying to Understand - Can I publish writing I entered in other contests here?

Los Angeles, CA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I used to be able to sit down words would just flow, page after page, and was told by many that I had a lot of skill. What did I do with this ability? Nothing. I deprioritized it when life events forced me to prioritize the needs of my family and abandon my passion around creative writing.

Now, I'm doing what I can to get it back, including my vocabulary and the flow I once had. I am very rusty, but I can still see entire stories in my head. Any suggestions to help me get back on track would be appreciated.

PLEASE do me a favor and be tough on me. I appreciate support as anyone else, but be sure to include direct, constructive criticism and pick apart my writing....


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi there =] Thank you for the reviews =]

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, man. Those were some good, valid ideas, and finding such advice is usually kind of rare on this site.

I'll return the favor sometime. Just RR me whatever and I'll be sure to get to it whenever I actually wake up for the day, lol.