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About Me

I lived in Japan for 5 years and now Im living in Brighton, England studying finance.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

you delivered an excellent point in your review!
altho they may put you in prison, tax you till death, and take away every materialistic possesion, and withhold knowledge that makes the world go around, they still can't get to the real power ans source of life.

thank you for your bold honesty!
much respect!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for your comment but you totally lost me. YOu somehow went from marijuana to LSD and there was a typo in there so I didnt get the connection. Sorry!

Also memory loss from smoking marijuana is normal. But it is only temporarily lost which is why yours has improved since you stopped smoking (not because you learned Japanese) THC builds up in your brain cells and somewhat "clogs" them but if you quit smoking long enough and give your body time to flush it all out (mind you it is a while, some people think a month of quitting will do it) and you will regain your short term memory.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for the review! I just realized that maybe I need to clairify about the Nair. Maybe explain that your either Nair, or shave, not both. Nair is suppose to remover hair without all the shaving or kinda melts the hair fibers so you can wipe the hair away.

Maybe I can make it better and funnier.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for that review. i'm glad someone got some imagery from it! lol

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for reading my short story. Shame you did not get it though.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

im glad i could convey how i thought...thanks for the review

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to
Studying Finance huh, anything specific? Furthest I got was Personal Finance and let me tell you, that was quite boring. A Yawnfest. (For me). Hopefully you enjoy it though. How was life in Japan? I like the colorful treees. The pinkish sort in a strong wind mixed with yellow. So gorgeous.