livinglife1423 : Writing

A Single Division

A Single Division

A Poem by livinglife1423

I see a boy,I see a man.I see his joy,I see his plan.I see his fall,I see his fail.I see it all,I see the veil.Near The Bay,Lies his affection.I turn ..
Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

A Story by livinglife1423

I just wrote this (I feel like I've been saying that a lot.) I in no way want to reflect badly on rabbis, just that particular one.
Sharing a Sunset

Sharing a Sunset

A Poem by livinglife1423

Just wrote this. I usually prefer rhyming poems, but here i chose not to, because sometimes its better for conveying than were I have it to rhyme
Shopping list of Life

Shopping list of Life

A Poem by livinglife1423

just wrote this now, tell me what you think, wrote it spur-of-the-moment so it might not be that good, or it might make it better, let me know :)


A Poem by livinglife1423

Tonight I saw many cry,For sorrows they never had.While somewhere a friend did die,And for that I did feel sad,For all the good he cannot add.I wouldn..
Finding Myself in a Phonebook

Finding Myself in a Phonebook

A Poem by livinglife1423

Quickly, the day have passed,With the memories we've amassed.We all know, what's done is done,Despite that, there's an urge to run.Surely, this guilt ..
I didn't ask for this

I didn't ask for this

A Poem by livinglife1423

Following you isn't what I expected,I had no say in the matter.I don't see why my life must be dented ,I don't want this life on a silver platter.I as..
Since I Last Saw You

Since I Last Saw You

A Poem by livinglife1423

The last I saw of you,The skies above were blue.Now, we are alone,And the skies are a darker hue.I am my own,I am not you.


A Poem by livinglife1423

A better man I'll leave here,A better man, he won't return.As life goes, it's no more clear.A memory in my mind still burns,But life still had one las..
What is Truth

What is Truth

A Poem by livinglife1423

Your fiction is another's truth,Your knowledge is another's lies.It starts in the bliss of youth,The fate of life is that it dies.The lies you tell on..

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