Tanner Willbanks

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Lawrence, KS
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About Me

I'm a 28-year old college student trying to concentrate on his major in Poli-Sci and minor in African Studies. I am somewhat incapable of writing endings, thus many of my works are unfinished. I also have a tendency to write spontaneously. I follow Kerouac's rules for spontaneous prose for the most part, but I do diverge on occasion. I watch a ton of movies, a ton of tv, read as much as possible, and still have time for my schoolwork and videogames. Yeah, I pretty much fill all my time with crap. Fun, fun stuff.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey, thanks for the review. Yeah, I know what it's like in the midwest... i live in Olathe!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

welcome to the cafe.
for the lulz