The man in the moonlight is a shadow ?Like a white painting on a blank canvas ?Falls into the beautiful girl by his side ?An abstract momen..
He has bones that stretch his thin skin
To bits and his body doesnt fit
And against his slim fingers he presses
His hand u..
I woke sore from dreaming
Sheets choked around my neck
And soaked through with sweat
Palms making marks in their imprints
While I write sad songs ..
The rain cuts holes in sky
Writing letters I dont recognize
Against my windshield
They spell out dreams Ive had
If I do..
What It Means For The Predator To Become The Prey
He is young, and he is dumb, and he is hurt and so he is vindictive as well. He has always bee..
Get out of town, Aphrodite. Get out of town, baby girl. I've found a new goddess, Baby and she's-
her eyes, oh her eyes, constellations, suns and st..
Were you too borne forth from foaming sea,
conceived in the thralls of my troubled mind:
beauty, beauty to soothe the savage seas
the wind-whipped ..
Love Is The Religion of The Weak
The First Night
And then I threw up seven times...
It was our chance to be Brutus, our chance to make a mark on history. Ever since I was a child, a poor farmer's child with callused hands, who knew n..
It is laughter that pours from his mouth; a laughter that fights against the tears that pour from his eyes; against the ringing that stings his ears; ..