Nick Anthony

Nick Anthony


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Manassas, VA
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About Me

I've been a storyteller all my life, but the writing bug did not hit me till later in life.

Among the work I will be posting here is a series of fanstasy fiction stories I am currently working on, "The Tales of Netherron." The first book is about ready for the submission process. These tales, while following some standard Fantasy Fiction formats but are not typical dungeon and dragon type stories. They are not for young adults, but they are not erotic neither.

I take my critiquing very seriously in both giving and recieving. If you critique my work, please specify what you like, dislike, works, does not work and why. I will do the same. I understand all reviews are subjective and I usually do not argue with a reviewer.

I have had some minor experience with agents and publishers and do not need to be told what they are looking for. I have studied the publishing industry so I know what to expect. My work will be formated properly and I am not looking to self publish.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for the add!!!!
I read some of your frist book it really good!!!!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I cant keep up! Looks like I have a ton to read this week! I'll try to comment on as much as I can. Good work!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there, Nick. Sorry I haven't left any reviews on Prophecy of the Gods. I've been busy with high school stuff and what not. Looks like I need to catch up...35 chapters already, congradulations

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, Nick! Ah, it's been a while since I've commented your page. Just wanted to drop by and say hello and ask how the Prophecy of the Gods was coming along.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

That's good. From what I've read on some of the groups here...many people didn't have back-ups.
I even go as far as to have hard-copies of my work.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow...all that hard work is gone because of someone's click-happy finger over at the offices.
I hope you get your work back up soon, I was enjoying it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Saw your MySpace post about this place. And to be honest I've been curious to read your work since we "met" over there. So here I am... LOL I hope to check your stuff out soon. Heck, maybe I'll be able to get my stuff up soon too.

Take care,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review.....I really appreciate it.....

~~~Kimberly Tickle~~~~Diamonds Of Life

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Great review, Nick. Thanks for your input.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you. I wrote the endign last night quckly so that I could see where I wanted to end it. More of a rough draft. This was so I could go back to chapter one without the last chapter nagging at me. I will be revising and editing. Expanding my setting and trying to fix everything I need. Although my POV isn't what you enjoy. I will try to show in a much more defined way what I am trying to do with it. It is in muy head I just got to put it on the paper. Thank you for the review!