Like my last poem, "unsuspecting"... this is more of a rant than anything else. I had to get it out!
Not my most creative, but this is where my mind has been lately...
Don't give me that look, Don't dodge the truthThat I knowThat I knewLong before the words escaped your lips,Before you beat my heart with yours.I can ..
I remember dreaming, Night and Day, of the perfect moment when our eyes, they would finally meet.Be mine.I remember, Day and Night, I watched, Everyda..
What has my fingernail seenwhich my Eyeshave not.A wash ofmisconceptions,miscommunicationsb l u r the fine lines of reality which ConvergEmy faultless..
Hello!Who am I?Why, I'm very. All or nothing. Extreme, Irrational.I don't care forwhichever adjectivefollows,So long as I amA Lot of it!If I knew abo..
I'm not meant for much. ifeel a lot for lifeDancing around bursts ofEnergyFire. And throw myself into it willingly.But I know that now is my timeTo lo..
One ear is a giftAnd I'm granted two.A single voice breaks the silence,And suddenly an entire choir, Orchestraintensifies.Nothing passes perfectly,But..
I'll never forgetYourElectric presenceIts defeaning silencecannot be deniedYour eyes promised Depth, HopeWhat your heart would not All of eternityTo b..
Sanity shakes My hand, My thoughts!They cannot all be thought at the same time.But they must be. So I instead thinkSo BroadlyThat they all fit undert..