Why am I publishing this? My style is getting weird.
(The picture is just because... mainly because it's October and I never know how to further i..
Of all you here, one must know whatI'm waiting forWhat I'm writing aboutIn the corner of thisendless spaceIn the corner of thisjournalthat will never ..
Lose me tonight there in your mindyou won't find me there where you put meLove me tonight here where I found you.Moonlight.Breathe through my heart..
O, Sweet crescent moonside to side you swaylulling the night skyso that her stars may alignFull, Copious Moon,Sturdy, Anchored MoonYou are beautiful b..
to rip herself of the walls which bind her very fleshto warrant a frantic rummage of her shattered pieces each with faults of lovers past, lovers ..
with the Sun, sets another dayits blood seeping into the oblivious waters, flushing its toxins to the shoreonewaveat a time.Each grain of sand, batter..
broken hopes in fear of broken hearts
That's not what I meantYou misunderstoodBut even if you did understand,You don't anymoreand it hardly mattersThis moment is already overThere is no ne..
Thoughts are mixed, mashed UndesirableI am panicked, amused Constantly -->This heat, too hotI wish upon practicality but see no stars for Doctors, ..
You were here a short while backwhen you held me and swore You'd never let go, not if I extracted your fingers from my waist, from your hand...