A cold bitter windSwirled around herBiting through The layers of clothingShe dressed herself inEarlier that morning.Her thoughts cast adriftIn a viole..
Thought things would be differentOnce I had open myself Coming out to youHow you were Always preaching your opennessTo me.Never realizing the dangersT..
I feel the wallWhich you have Tried to createdAs a visible means To contain peopleLike me..Never realizingYou have given usThe room neededTo blossomFu..
How do I describe to youWhat it feels to be trappedIn the wrong genderWhen you feel comfortableWith your birth gender.How self-loathing And self-hatre..
The wavesGently lapped againstThe Lake Ontario shorelineNear Kingston, Ontario.As Tracey complicatedHer next movesWhether she should runawayOr stay fo..
Scent of her perfumeFollowed meLike some sweet and warmExotic fragranceFrom a tropic jungle. As I walk into the kitchenHoping to catch herBefore she l..
I do not understandWhy people sayMy writing is powerfulTo them.When to meAll I seeIs a bunch of charactersWritten in my writing bookOr typed Upon a co..