ASimple smileGraces my faceWelcoming the dayWith open arms.GoneThe pained lookEtched into my faceFor the past week.AsI soughtThe allusive shelterOf da..
GoddessWhy do peopleFear or hate meWhen I haveNever met them.DoThey not knowMy life isHard enoughWithout thisAdditional burden?InAcceptingA beautiful ..
YouEmbrace meWith your mantleOf sadnessUpon my soul.LikeA cloakIt envelopes Me.DarkeningMy inner sightUntil the world isOne huge teardrop.FlowingUnend..
CanSense your embraceUpon my bodyAs your tendrilsSink deeperInto it.WhileMy anxiety levelMove northward.WhereThe simple act of leavingMy apartment has..