SenseOf melancholyFills me. ForWinter is Suppose to be Over. Yet It linger aroundLike the smellOf stale body odourIn a locker room. PollutingMy delica..
IfYou are lookingFor someone Who will sing False praiseTo you. I amNot that typeOf person. Please I ask youTo lookSomewhere else. BecausePoetry is mea..
PleaseShed no tearsFor me.AsMy weeping penGlides acrossThe canvass of lifeI am journeyingThrough.ForThese tearsAre reflectiveOf a pastBest left behind..
OhGoddessPlease forgive meBut am feelingSo insecureAt the moment.As ifSomeone willPublicly expose meAs a freakAnd fraud.InCalling myselfA womanWhen I ..
YouSlip through My mindLike running waterIn my hands.DisappearingAt the slightest whimWhen the moodSuits you.FrustratingTo no endsAs this occurDuring ..
PleaseI beg your givenessWhich I amAbout to writeAs it deals withA very personalMatter.OneThat is normallyKept a secretBy me.WhichI am ashamedEven adm..
WithinYour cupped handsYou holdA broken soul.DesperatelyCrying outFor loveAnd understanding.OnlyTo be repeatedlyBrokenTime after time.UntilThe pain be..
IfWe liveIn a post-modern societyWhere gender equityIs suppose to beA fact.WhyDo IStill face hostilityRegarding my ownGender identityAs a woman?WhereS..