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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
There Lies Shadows (My Gorgeous Letdown)

There Lies Shadows (My Gorgeous Letdown)


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Portland, OR
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Here are my websites (viola):
My Other Writer's Cafe:

Not posting my Facebook for you b*****s, though. Sorry, loves.

I'm just a little bald hipster on her own adventure. I can never seem to write a biography for myself that is serious, completely truthful and that isn’t entirely blunt. To console this, here’s a look into my life.

Some facts in a random order:

* I drink too much coffee on a regular basis.
* I write, often. Maybe too often.
* I live in Portland, Oregon.
* Feminism is a gigantic part of my life.
* I shaved my head to have the experience of doing so.
* I wear some pretty snazzy red modern cat-eye framed glasses.
* I hold many regrets.
* I was born on May 13, 1996.
* I’m fourteen though I act much, much older and appear older.
* I have two important note books of mine: one is my “… To Quote Another.” note book and the other my journal. I have both in my bag at all times.
* I smoke weed.
* I know I will always love him, even after moving on.
* I’m bisexual and currently, more lenient towards women. Though I have a select few of men that are incredibly appealing right now.
* I dislike most people. That’s just how it is.
* I have small hands.
* I’m currently single.
* I’m terrified of being hurt.
* I believe in love at first sight.
* I believe no matter what, if you’ve loved someone, you’ll always hold even the slightest amount of feelings for them.
* Bluntness is a key characteristic of mine. It makes me seem like a b***h.
* I overreact quickly and feel horrid later.
* I’m one of those people that plays songs -over- and -over- again till I hate it.
* I love all kinds of music. Minus a lot of country, rap, and pop. It varies.
* I study the works of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Behavioral Science Unit (in common terms, what the guys on Criminal Minds do). I’ve read countless books about the topic.
* Some careers I’d like to be as an adult are: a poet/author, an F.B.I agent for the Behavioral Science Unit, a nurse at the Children’s Hospital and lastly, a pastry chef. Yeahp. Pretty wide-spread.
* I’m obsessed with walruses.
* I’m known to rant about s**t that really doesn’t matter.
* I realize that now is one of those times.
* I’m gonna stop writing stuff no one cares about, now.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

So many different accounts, chloe. I'm confused. :P

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Posted 14 Years Ago

you're BALD?! :O lol, whyyy? <3