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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a college student who can't make up her mind what to do with her life. I want to learn as many languages as my poor brain can handle, but still enjoy living my life while studying. I love to travel and meet new people while I'm away from home. Home for me? It's where dreams come true: Walt Disney World. There, I can find friends, fun, and love all in one place. Of course, the love is unrequited and gives me plenty of wood for the fire that is my writing.

I started writing when I was young -- with silly stories about run away Tootsie Rolls and children getting locked in a bedroom with no conceivable way out. I graduated then to fanfiction and cheap horror story thrills. I went through that teenage-angst period in life and popped out lame poetry faster than an addict pops pills. Finally, I grew up. Now I write about things that inspire me; I write about love. About life. And about change.

And, one of the new and more important things about me: I'm a part of an amazing, life changing project now. Two of my friends and I are making a collaborative video blog [vlog] on youtube and we'd love it if you'd subscribe to us.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

HI Erin,

Am just on my way to work, have a good weekend my friend.

Sally :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Erin

Hope you hear good news from Harlequin,

Sally :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Erin

Just to let you know I'm feeling better and am itching to catch up on my reading

Have a great day


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Erin
Just dropped by to say have a great week

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I will write! I swear it on the life of my unborn children!! XDD

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it!

You can't rush genius! (And, uh, we can ignore how I mentally said that with a British accent, lol.)