Life on the basement floor of my dorm.
Edited version of Night Life. I'd appreciate it if you read both poems, and see if you think I made good edits, based on your interpretation. My edits..
Assignment 3, experiment with hemistiches (not worrying about alliteration, syllables, or accents).
Assignment 2, an autumn poem without using cliches.
Abecedary poem for my poetry class. 1st assignment.
Tis Venus, god of love.
Or is it Mars, god of war.
Jupiter rules all.
Head, back, stomach, feet
A lifetime in this body
I don’t understand.
Interview with my Mom for my Feminsim and Civil RIghts class about growing up in the 60s in Baltimore, MD and the U.S. in general.
Writing this right now.
One act play I wrote for my Advanced Acting class last year that was produced at our Annual Festival of Student-Written One Act Plays.