Some art is more compelling than the rest.
Needs criticism.
ANOTHER Journ 105 assignment. This is one we were supposed to write on why we were majoring in what we were majoring in, but in the third person.
One of the two pieces I wrote for my Journalism 105 final. I don't think they're too bad, but I believe I've written better.
Another Journ 105 assignment.
I planned to write something much longer eventually, but this is as close as I've gotten as of yet. I wrote this specifically for my Journalism 105 c..
A little tribute to those who lost their lives during, those who lived through, and those who helped the victims of the Holocaust. Too late for Holoc..
Another year-old story from my high school Creative Writing class . . .
Sure, she was a beautiful woman, dressed in a long, white wedding gown, smiling enigmatically, sort of like the Mona Lisa. Her hair was been pul..