It's too hot outside for a funeral.People are sweating,and tugging on their collars,and fanning themselves with their hands.I don't know who would pla..
Will is standing next to me.He's not crying either.But he's a boyso it's not as bad.He won't stop pullingon the cuffs of his suit jacket.I know he wan..
The funeral feels endless.It goes onand onand onand on.It's almost unbearable.If Will wasn't here,squeezing my hand,telling me over and over again"It'..
When the service endsI feel nothingbut r e l i e f.For three weeks I had been dreading the funeral.I couldn't even imaginewatching her getting buried...
I get more nervousand I start shakingas I get closer and closerto the front of the line.Will gently nudges me forwardand makes sure I keep moving.He h..
Jordan is next to his father. I see him next. It's been a while since I've seen him because he's been at college.Jordan looks different. His hair is l..
Will drives me home.He usually drives me places these days,in his big, boyish, blue pickup truck,because my car is still being repaired.Even if I had ..
I look upand I force myselfto look out the windshield.I try to focus on anything but the treesand the other carsturning into colorful blurs around us...
When we get to my house,Will doesn't stop.He keeps goingand pulls in front of a nice housewith blue walls,white shutters,rose bushes,and a porch swing..
Will turns off the truckand we sit in silence for a few moments.Then he unbucklesand looks at me."Let's go inside.It's hot."But I just sit therein the..