Peeps MacArthur

Peeps MacArthur


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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm back from a long absence, both personally and in the literary sense, of a desire for meaningful work.
I had started writing here,enjoyed it, and had set off to complete a memoir about my experiences in Afghanistan.
It was all going so well that I pitched my book in New York and got requests for more. One agent wants, or wanted, the entire manuscript. The best way to describe what happened next is that the story arc just vanished. It evaporated back into whatever black hole it came from initially. I had contracted writer's alzheimers.
I sat down to write the final three chapters and send it out to the agents that had requested it, but nothing came back out of the hole in my head. I read the previous chapters, took notes and reconstructed the story board. Nothing. I wrote,edited and deleted. Nothing.
It's been three months since writing was fun. I've come back here to find the fun in it all and read my initial efforts. I'm sure I'll edit. If one thing is true about my writing it's that editing IS writing.
People that have completely lost their minds have brief moments of clarity. Occassionaly matter makes its way out of black holes. You just never know.


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Posted 9 Years Ago

I've come wandering back. I'm currently working of finishing a memoir based on my experiences in Afghanistan, but something unexpected has happened. I lost my motivation, and in the process lost the arc of the story for awhile.
I pitched my book in New York after I had finished nine chapters of a planned twelve, and also received genuine encouragement to try and publish from my weekly writer's workshop group full of authors. Four agents out of five I pitched wanted to see more. One of them wanted the entire manuscript. So what happened? The best I can describe it is that the meaning of the story, the reason i had to write it, just evaporated. I sat down to write and the words were clumsy, the chapters bloated with meaningless, run-on drivel. It got to the point that I hated myself for abandoning a meaningful story to produce the last chapters, any chapters, just to finish the manuscript.
As you can clearly see from the beginnings of my writing which are posted here, I ALREADY KNEW HOW TO DO THAT BULLSHIT!...Ha.ha
It doesn't matter that my initial writing efforts weren't all that glorious. It was fun. That's why I'm back lurking around here. I want writing to be fun again.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You've gotta get a profile pic Peeps!!!