This originally started out as a rap, and personally, I think that it sounds better if you rap it, but that's just my personal opinion.
If you read it out loud, it's a little more powerful
Was just testing out some new ideas...
wanted to see how much raw emotion I could put in 6 words.
My English teacher gave me the idea! :)
It hurt to write this, only because I saw noone but me.
It really sucks that I'm writing this from expierience...:/
Is this good?
"Oh come on!" Trevor says, giving me that irrsistable grin, opening a door to one of the various bedrooms sprinkled through the upstairs floor. "What ..
I'm not a story writer, I mean, I don't have a long enough attention span to actually sit down and write a book.
I have no idea if I'll actually sit ..
I kind of tried to set the rhythm of the poem to be jerky, like a *um* heartbeat :) If you read it out loud, tap it out, maybe you'll hear it
The douchebag that I wrote this for didn't even deserve it in the end...
Honestly, at first, this piece seems like just a bunch of random thoughts strung together, but to me, it made sense. :)
Today was one of the rare moments when the bi side of me really came out a bared her claws :)