Jesse Berrios

Jesse Berrios


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New York, NY
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About Me

Jesse Berrios is a writer, educator, performing artist, and educator living in New York City. When he's not busy with grad school, work, trying to start a revolution, or just the day-to-day hustle and grind of being a petty Nuyorican butch queen, he likes to write opulent, dark-comic speculative fiction with strong queer, postcolonial themes.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

had to stop by and say hey
hope everything is going ok
its just lovely wheather were having now :D
ima have to make a trip to nyc now that i think about it
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Posted 17 Years Ago

When you review me, it is always so helpful. Thanks so much, and yes... that part does stick out. I'll see what I can do. Thanks again, my friend!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

lol :)

It's okay. I'm a bit of an English freak and I make quite a few errors of my own.

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Posted 17 Years Ago


those are fun pictures!!!

but now i cant get that song outta my head...

party alllllll the tiiiiiiimmmmeeeee.....


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Heey, your photos are fantastic! You're very photogenic. Love the one with the cig hanging out of your mouth. :-P


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey, thanks for your review of "Ice". That was a great review. You made a really good point that i agree with. I am changing the last line in the piece to be the way you desctibe. It fits so much better now. Thank you so much. I am very flattered by all your kind words as well. It was an ugly experience, but I did try my best to detatch myself from it - to stay true to the art. I try not to write sentimental poetry. If you catch me doing so, feel free to point it out... LOL. Thanks again, my friend. You've made my evening.



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Posted 18 Years Ago

Really? Damn, you look awful young to be an english teacher.

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Posted 18 Years Ago


Thanks for the comment, it was really helpful. Other people had pointed out the confusion between speakers, but no one had come up with a way to fix it and i couldn't figure it out... To close to the poem I guess I can't see any wronge in it *sheepish smile*, but thanks again. Your review was a huge help.