The High Poet : Writing



A Poem by The High Poet

Another fun poem from the mind of The High Poet


A Poem by The High Poet

Fire Fire within hidden from sight Pushing it down with all your might Hiding everything behind a wall Climbing up it, trying not to fall F..
Birthday Blues

Birthday Blues

A Poem by The High Poet

I just turned 32 on Feb 22. This poem came to me when I woke up on my birthday.


A Poem by The High Poet

This is just a fun poem. Hope you enjoy :)


A Poem by The High Poet

This is a love poem I wrote to my wife! I hope you like it
A to Z Drug poems

A to Z Drug poems

A Poem by The High Poet

This is the finished copy of my A to Z. I had written 2 years ago and lost the book it was in. I have done most of it from memory but some I had to ..


A Poem by The High Poet

A poem writing during my addicted days


A Poem by The High Poet

Looking into blame.....
Once was a man

Once was a man

A Poem by The High Poet

This is a painful poem that I had to write. The only way to get out the hurt and the pain for me is to make it into something else. So I turn my pai..
Push it down

Push it down

A Poem by The High Poet

This is a poem about the rage that used to consume me. Even when your rage is hidden it still finds a way to come out.